Frequently asked questions

Here you find the answers to the most common questions related to the Zero Spam app.

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our customer support team [email protected].

Can I change the email address that receives the emails from my customers?
Yes this can be done inside the app.
How do I see the contact form?
The contact form is located on /a/contact on your shop, so if your shops address is, then the address would be, all you have to do is go to navigation in your admin panel and copy that address to the navigation of your shop.
Can I change or remove fields in the contact form?
Yes this can be done in the admin panel.
I want the styling to be different, can I change this?
You can edit the fields directly inside the app, if you want the styling to be different (the look and feel) this can also be done inside the app, but you will need to know a little about CSS, or reach out to your developer. If you don't have a developer, check out as this is a small and relatively easy task for a developer.
I keep getting spam even after I installed the app, why is that?
It might be that your email address is written in plain text on your site, to mitigate bots from scraping emails of your site, please replace your email addresses on your site with a link to our contact form.
A second reason might be that your regular contact form from Shopify is still active some where on your site, you will need to disable / remove the page with the regular contact form, as this is an easy way for bots to spam you.
Lastly the third reason might be that bots already got a hold of your email address, so in this case we do recommend that you change your email address, and use our app to prevent this from happening in the future.
I did not find an answer to my question, what now?
If you did not find the answer to your question do not hesitate to get in touch with us, reach out to our support on [email protected], remember to add the URL / website address of your shop, as this will speed up support.